Programme : Programme_journeeIS2M2021_21mai.pdf
Adsorption in Porous Solids: From the Fundamentals to Pollutants’ Adsorption and Energy’s Applications
This year, the IS2M annual meeting will focus on Adsorption in Porous Solids. According to the uncertain situation, the event goes virtual on half days (mornings). During these three half days, researchers will present their latest findings in this field. This conference aims at providing a forum for scientists concerned by adsorption in porous solids and related research. Program will be available soon
The scientific committee regroups researchers from the EUCOR tri-national network (Universität Freiburg, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, UNISTRA and UHA). Additionally, three plenary lectures, on various aspects of the “adsorption” field (theory, depollution, energy) will be presented by internationally recognised experts from Germany and France.
Invited Plenary Speakers
Prof. Dr Matthias Thommes (Institute of Separation Science & Technology, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Prof. Jean-Pierre Bellat (Institut Carnot de Bourgogne, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France)
Dr Claudia Zlotea (Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est, Université Paris-Est, Thiais, France)
Scientific Committee
Simona Bennici (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Camelia Ghimbeu (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Bénédicte Lebeau (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Günter Reiter (Universität Freiburg)
Johannes Lützenkirchen (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Sylvie Begin (Université de Strasbourg)
Spyridon Zafeiratos (Université de Strasbourg)
Local Organizing Committee
Simona Bennici (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Nathalie Castelein (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Camelia Ghimbeu (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Bénédicte Lebeau (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Habiba Nouali (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Cyril Vaulot (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Laurent Vonna (Université de Haute Alsace-IS2M)
Artiste : Fabien Léaustic
Genèse d’un paysage médusé
Front cover photography and artwork by Fabien Léaustic
Fabien Léaustic is a french artist, PhD student SACRe (Science, Art, Création, Recherche) at PSL Research University, asso-ciate researcher at “groupe de recherche Formes du mouvement“, EnsadLab (Laboratoire de Recherche de l’école nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris), and associate researcher at CMA (Centre des Mathématiques Appliquées), École des Mines Paris-Tech. He will present during these three days some of his artworks in the hall of IS2M. For more information about Fabien Léaustic
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Programme : Programme_journeeIS2M2021_21mai_1.pdf